TEDx Talks
I’ve been fortunate to have given three TEDx Talks on topics I am passionate about: wellbeing, happines, and career satisfaction.
Serious Happiness
Most people misunderstand the relationship between success and happiness. Social norms tell us to set clear goals, work hard, make money, and achieve happiness based on wealth, fame, or power. The reality: Happiness precedes success. Raise your inner happiness and you are more likely to discover the work you do well and enjoy most.
Watermelon Seeds
External forces exert powerful influence on our major decisions often resulting in our lives being propelled into careers, relationships, and situations where we are frustrated, stagnant and unhappy. Have your dreams, aspirations and career goals suffered the same fate? By pausing and consciously changing our behavior we can take control of our life’s direction and find genuine happiness and true success.
The Stories We Tell
Our lives are essentially about the stories that we can tell, whereas regrets are the echoes of the stories we cannot. But can those regrets be used to fuel success?

I also upload shorter, bite-sized talks here and on my YouTube channel.
Glossary of British Terms in “How to Be a Well Being”
When you write a book with two British co-authors, sometimes you need to explain a few words and phrases to your American friends. In the words of George Bernard Shaw, the UK and US are: "Two countries separated by one common language"
Your “Whether” App
Does your weather app tell you how it will feel outside or how to you will feel inside?
Work is for Schmucks
Insights about work and happiness from my new book, "How to Be a Well Being: Unofficial Rule to Live Every Day." I discuss the two questions you need to ask yourself about your job to determine if you're on the right career path. And, I tell you how to figure out if you're in growth mode or burnout mode.
Annus Horribilis - This Horrible Year
2020 is shaping up to be a horrible year for most people. What can you do to find some positivity during times of crisis? The key is where you focus your attention. Learn more at www.POULI.com
How to be a Well Being in Uncertain Times
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Rethink your thinking — and begin building the best version of yourself. Learn lessons in building positivity and strength during the pandemic and try a little something completely different.