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Blog Posts
Pardon the pun but there is a truly magical moment at the beginning of the movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001).
It’s pretty exciting to write these words: My new book will be published in July 2020! The book is titled How to Be a WELL BEING: Unofficial Rules to LIVE Every Day and it will be published by the Capstone division of Wiley Publishing. I
The way you approach your expense reporting and reimbursements can reveal whether you are in a job that fits you well or not. What do your expense reports reveal about your personality?
I have a confession to make: I’m a huge Star Trek nerd. I grew up watching the original Star Trek series as reruns airing on our local UHF television channel back in the day when we had TV antennas on our roofs and no remote controls for anything.
There’s a common mistake people make when looking for a satisfying career path – whether it’s your first job out of college or a mid-career redirection. Most job seekers are trying to find a job that offers the highest pay or the greatest status.
Last year, I was on vacation with my wife when I saw a Facebook post that made me sad. One of my old friends and my first professional mentor had died after a battle with cancer.
I was a very curious kid growing up. I was a voracious reader of science fiction novels and obsessed with Star Trek reruns. My sci-fi fascination and the fact that I was good at math and science made everyone around me think I should be an engineer.
It’s no longer a question of what they are supposed to do. They need to adopt a mindset where they seek self-discovery by asking a different kind of question. I also implored them to spend the next four years learning as much about themselves as they do learning about business and society. You can watch my Convocation address here.
I presented the keynote at TheWPI Forum in June 2015. My presentation focused on how to best define a target market for new products and services. I included specific examples of how to help salespeople succeed in reaching out to new prospects.
Watermelon seeds have taken a bit of abuse over the past decades. Have your dreams, aspirations and career goals suffered the same fate? In my 2016 TEDx Talk, I explained how the two are connected and what to do about it.
In my work with business leaders, one of the first questions I ask them is: What kind of CEO are you – a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or a Chief everything Officer (CeO)?
I was honored to present the Faculty Address for the Class of 2015 at Bentley University’s Baccalaureate ceremony on May 15, 2015.
The Native Americans hunted the buffalo, an animal which provided virtually everything they needed to survive. But what does hunting buffaloes have to do with professional networking?
Seth Godin has a great blog entry that describes some of the frustration I often feel when discussing careers with high school and college students.
This will shock many proud, hard working business owners: Your business should not depend upon your presence, personality, problem solving and perspiration for its daily survival. If so, your business does not work, you work for the business!
Why spend tome and money on generating new customers from strangers when the biggest pool of warm referrals is at your fingertips: your current customer base?
Why spend tome and money on generating new customers from strangers when the biggest pool of warm referrals is at your fingertips: your current customer base?
Years ago, when I began working with local business owners to focus on strategic growth, I noticed that they often missed opportunities to attend networking events where they could expand their professional connections. Why were they missing an opportunity to grow their business?
It’s pretty exciting to write these words: My new book will be published in July 2020! The book is titled How to Be a WELL BEING: Unofficial Rules to LIVE Every Day and it will be published by the Capstone division of Wiley Publishing. I